Healthy Foods….There’s a label for that!

Healthy Foods….There’s a label for that!

   While I’ve been on this detox journey, I’ve been in situations where I’ve had to buy snacks and had to find the healthiest I could find. I also found out that healthy comes with a price tag! Sometimes I had to pay $2-3 more for a healthy snack. For example, I was traveling in airport where the prices are already inflated. I could gave bought chips for $1.99 but I opted for healthy popcorn that was gluten free, dairy free, GMO free, anything bad “free” and a bag cost me $4.99!! This is when commitment meets up with your pocketbook and 99% of the time my pocketbook wins. Over the detox journey I can say commitment to healthy won while my pocketbook took a beating. 

But as I continued to buy healthy, I continued to see this blue and green label that said “Non-GMO verified”. It was on EVERY packaged label when I bought something that fit the diet of what I could eat. It was NEVER on the Doritos or the candy or the bagels or anything unhealthy. Interesting huh? So I decided to start thinking…if my healthy foods are non-GMO then what in the world are the everyday foods that me and a large majority have been eating??? GMO Foods are those that have been “genetically modified.” Let that simmer and marinate for a minute. I don’t like my kids or my husband even touching my food… I want them to get their own! But somehow the foods I’ve been eating, the foods you’ve been eating have “”genetically modified.”!!!!!! Something is just not right about that. For example, the gene strains of organisms, plants and our food have been genetically engineered to produce food or strains that’s not part of the normal species. They do this to produce more harvest quicker, faster and bigger!! That means you think you are eating a plum but you may actually be eating a plum and a tomato and round up fertilizer all at the same time. So at the end of the day when you feel good about yourself because you had a plum for a snack instead of Doritos, your body is confused because it just digested a plum tomato with fertilizer. Isn’t that something?? I’m new to the GMO stuff buy would encourage you to look up and research for yourself. Look for the good label!! See how many you can find in the foods you eat. And if you find it on a bag of Doritos…..I’ll give you $5 so I can buy me some more popcorn! 

Lentil flour Pita Chips


Naked Juices….they come in all flavors


Non GMO Foods


Detox-Let’s Go

It’s June 1, 2015 and today I’m embarking on detox cleanse. Not sexy huh? No it’s not but necessary. I consider it a vacation for my body to relax, rejuvenate and repair itself from all the damage I’ve created inside. Our bodies take a beating daily with what we eat, how little we sleep, not enough exercise and the mental stress we carry from day to day. After doing that so long, the body begins to slow down, fill with diseases and “putters” when we try to move like we 20! So I’ve decided to take a break from as much unhealthy foods and lifestyle that I possibly can. I’ll be eating 75% raw as much as possible and no sweets, sugar, fried foods, breads, and sodas. Compared to what I normally eat, my body is probably going to panic and be all confused! But my hope and prayer is that after all the panic and confusion, I’ll feel better and feel the difference of healthy vs. unhealthy. My goal is to embark on this for three weeks…let’s go!

Running !

I did it!!!! Ran my first 5k on Memorial Day and it was a huge accomplishment. I’ve been on a journey since my new years resolution to run this race and set it as a goal for 2012. I am not sure what possessed me with so much urgency to do this, but I couldn’t shake the thought and I’m glad I did it. It was part of a new challenge for myself and it was part of my plan to lose weight which was another 2012 goal. Oddly enough I did not lose any weight training for the race and that caused great disappointment. But in spite of no weight loss, I gained in other areas such as increased fitness, renewed confidence and a new hobby.
Increased fitness-it definitely feels good to do something healthy for your body and sweat.
Renewed confidence-this spans a lot of areas. My main renewal is around the confidence in myself that I CAN do what I put my mind too no matter how lofty the goal. I’ve never been a health or fitness guru and never ran-so to run a 5k seemed very out of reach and unlike anything I has done. But I did it!!!
New hobby-I have enjoyed running and I never thought I would say that. It has been a great place of solitude and quiet and a stress outlet. I see now that it can become addictive and your body will crave it. It was an awesome experience overall and a major accomplishment.

Five Hour Energy


These can be seen in every gas station open, every day in every city. They usually run you from $2.99-$3.99 depending on the location. But, no matter what the cost-when you need it, you will pay premium dollar for it. I am typically not a “pop a pill, drink a drink to make you feel better” kind of girl. In fact, I abhor taking medicine altogether. But, thanks to my husband who is Mr. “I’ll try the newest med”-I have become a believer and spokesperson for these little 2 oz. bottles. I can attest that this bottle works 100%. There is no crash. There are no jitters. You just feel energetic and most importantly, you feel awake and functional. During the last 30 days dealing with our family crisis, sleep has been at a limited amount and just to get through the day is sometimes extremely difficult without snapping your neck into two pieces as your head leans forward like a free fall because you are so sleepy! I have taken these in desperate times albeit skeptical at first. The skepticism is now gone and belief and set in. Also, I was minimally comforted as well as a I looked at the ingredients on the back and was glad to see it has a negligible amount of caffeine and the rest are full of B-vitamins. They come in several flavors and they even have a maximum strength for the days your neck has already snapped in two and you need to put it back together. Happy swallowing!

Lighter Weight

It is time to update on my weight loss journey again. We are in the first week of May and I have lost 20 lbs! I am about 5 lbs behind where I want to be, but I am still very happy with my progress thus far and that it is still moving in a positive direction. I am down almost a complete size and starting to reap some of the small benefits from being a smaller size. I would say the majority of people I interact with have not noticed or commented, but I still feel good on what I am doing and I am sure more will notice as I continue.

In April, I did not lose any weight and did not gain anything either so even though I did not reach my goal of 5lbs last month, I am at least glad I maintained. With my travel schedule and my limited ability to exercise regularly, I think that is a feat within itself just to maintain. My next goal was to lose 30lbs by June 1 and I may not make that, but will try to get to 25lbs by then. I am still motivated and will continue on my journey.

Let’s get it!

Braces-Month 3

I have been in my braces now for three months and I can say that the latter is definitely greater than the first. I have had two adjustments so far and my second adjustment has been very bearable. It was not nearly as bad as my first adjustment where I had to contemplate which was worst-the first week of braces or my first adjustment. It was literally like starting all over again.
I received my second adjustment two weeks ago and they replaced me with new chains and that was it. They are focusing mostly now on just closing the spaces that my extractions created. And I personally think that is a great focus-ready for my teeth to be neighbors again instead of distant relatives! My teeth were sore for the first two days but no extreme pain like before. I wes so surprised but glad about it. If every adjustment is like this, I may not have to write about my braces for the next 17 months!

Goal Met

Yea for me! I have reached my first goal in my weight loss journey. I started my official change towards being healthier the week after Christmas. I set a goal to lose 15 lbs. by March 1. I though that was pretty realistic and not too lofty. I got stuck at 12 lbs. by the first week of February and stayed there for a couple of weeks. By week three I started to doubt just a little but I’m glad to say I weighed Feb. 28 and had lost my three additional lbs and met my goal!!
I’m very proud of myself for finally getting the belief, the desire and the action to all align together to make a change. I had the desire first. Who doesn’t want or desire to be smaller? Who doesn’t desire to look and be slimmer? Beanpoles-put your hands down!!
So, I could put a checkmark by the desire. Check. However, the biggest obstacle though has been my belief that I could. I just could not seem to really believe it was possible. I have been this size for quite a long time and it was undesirous but kinda seemed natural. I toiled in my mind all summer last year but finally made a decision last fall that I was going to do something different in 2011. Belief. Check. Yes, it took me that many months to get my mind right. I went through the holidays still with a determined futuristic mind that I was indeed going to change as I enjoyed the macaroni and cheese. From the outside appearances, it probably looked like I was stuck in the same routine, but inside I knew that I was for real and was serious about making a change.
So then the action part kicked in December 26 and I have been committed since then. I don’t look back and grieve that it took all of that and that lots of time passed me by. I just look forward to the goals and joys ahead.
I have my first milestone and I’m pressing forward to the next goal.
Next goal is 30 lbs. lost by June 1.

Let’s get it!!

Off to a Good Start

We are a little over 30 days into the new year and I must say I’m off to a good start on one of my resolutions to be healthy. One of the desired results of being healthy for me is losing weight and to date, I have lost 12 lbs.!!!! I started the week after Christmas making deliberate, healthy choices on what and when I eat. And my discipline and new habits have paid off.
I feel great about my progress thus far and it keeps me motivated to want to remain focused and continue on this path. I told Marcus that I see this as my last and final attempt to be healthy and lose the weight once and for all. I’m committed to not being fat anymore! I want to feel great physically. I want to look at myself in the mirror and love what I see. I want to wear a different size. I want to be healthy.
And…I’m off to a good start!

Proactiv Disappointment

IMG_0817I recently bought the Proactiv Skin Care Cleanse System and was thoroughly excited. I had seen countless commercials with Vanessa Williams proudly parading her flawless skin and always thought to myself if this product really worked. The before and after pictures were always amazing. I just assumed this product was great and carried a great price, so I did not give it much thought after that.

I was in the mall one day and they had a display and to my surprise, the beginner set was only $29.99. I excitedly bought it and was hoping for great results. I used it for 2 weeks and my skin turned worse than before I used it. All of a sudden, I had bumps breaking out on my face in a major way. I even stopped using it for a few days and then resumed the regimen. Even the 2nd time, I had the same poor results.

I was sorely disappointed. At the very least, I guessed it just may not turn my skin into a problem-free zone. But I did not think it would make my skin worse. Disappointing…don’t try this at home.

Dreaded Female Visit

It comes once a year, but it is the dreaded female visit of the year. I am talking about the annual OB/GYN pap smear visit every woman should have.  Mine was due in February and I just got mine over and done with yesterday. There is nothing nice about having to go and get your female parts examined by a male or a female. It is the ultimate invasion of privacy.

First of all, it felt weird being at the OB office without being pregnant. The majority of my OB memories are filled with waddling in the office to hear a heartbeat, take a glucose test, ultrasounds, and the like. To go in and not be pregnant, trying to be pregnant or wondering if you are pregnant seems weird when those were the reasons before. However, I must say that the OB visits seem much more palatable when you are pregnant. I think you get used to undressing, sitting on the cold table, and being examined over and over again.  By the ninth month, it is completely a part of what you do and there are no more qualms or hesitation about it.

Well, it had been obviously 18 months since I had been with child, so yesterday’s visit was filled with hesitancy and discomfort. My doctor though is great (shout out to Dr. Jon Adcock!) and made me feel at ease throughout the whole process. Before I knew it, it was over and I had made it through one more year! Hopefully, I do not have to worry about that until next year.

P.S. On a serious note, I encourage all my female readers to schedule your annual visit in spite of the dread. I strongly believe in them and it is important to know as early as possible if something is wrong with our bodies. So, get over the fear and schedule your appointment today if you have not had one this year! It is worth it.